Smoky Quartz With Green Tourmaline

We absolutely love our natural, rough specimens and this incredible Smoky Quartz with Green Tourmaline is shouting with pride and beauty. It’s newly been added to the website where you will find more images that have been taken to ensure you have the very best insight into the crystal itself.
Smoky Quartz
Chakras – 1st (Root)
A powerful grounding stone. It enhances practicality and organization. It lends focus to students and patience to teachers. It offers great protection from negative energies in one’s environment and it is said that with Smokey Quartz, one is more likely to see ghosts! It offers protection from electromagnetic fields from computers and electronics.
Green Tourmaline
Chakras – 4th (Heart)
Green Tourmaline is a stone to benefit one’s physical well being. It is a very powerful healing stone. It helps bring harmony to one’s heart by bringing balance and stability to the heart’s energy field. It also helps align the heart’s electromagnetic field to that of the Earth, bringing strength to the heart and helping the flow of healing energy around the body. It can assist one in overcome fear of change and bring confidence to follow one’s heart. Green Tourmaline helps one feel ‘alive’ and whole.
Find it here now on the website along with more beautiful stones and jewellery